Letter 22: Swoosh
So recently China asked some airlines to acknowledge Taiwan is part of them, It's one of their province.
Here are some airlines' respond
Here are some airlines' respond
American Airlines: Taiwan is a sovereign country
Airlines: Taiwan is a region
United Airlines:
Taiwan is a country
British Airways: Taiwan is a
province of China
Qantas: Taiwan is a country
Singapore Airlines: Taiwan is a country
AirAsia: There are no countries
Airlines: Taiwan is a country called “Republic of China”
Lufthansa: Taiwan is a province of China
Cathay Pacific: Taiwan is a country/region
Emirates: Taiwan is a country
Air Canada:
Taiwan is a country
Air France: Taiwan is a
Garuda, Indonesia: Taiwan is China
Personally, I love the answer of AirAsia, why do there have to be a line to distinguish people...we are all human beings, why can't we just live along. Can't we stop fighting each other and finally bring peace to the world?😢
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